Golf prize, Golf tournament contests, Hole in one challenge

Three of the Most Bizarre Eating Contests From Around the Contest

Oddly enough, one of America’s favorite pastimes is watching eating contests. Though these competitions usually draw just a couple dozen of participants, they draw massive amounts of spectators, attention, and excitement. For the brave few who do step up to the challenge, they have the chance to win an amazing prize. However, these eating competitions

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What’s the Difference Between Whole Life Insurance and Term Life Insurance?

Even though an overwhelming majority of people (93%) feel that having a life insurance policy is completely necessary, an underwhelming amount–about 95 million, which is 41% of the population–don’t have one! A big reason why so many people don’t have a policy is because they don’t fully understand the different life insurance types. Basically, there’s

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Why You Need Homeowners, Business, and Life Insurance Policy Plans

Turn on the TV, and you’ll lose count of the number of car insurance advertisements you’ll see in the course of an hour. Unfortunately, not many of these commercials mention the other sorts of insurance you may need over the course of your life. Taking out homeowners insurance, workers compensation insurance, or life insurance policy

Affordable life insurance, Canada life insurance, Life insurance rates

What’s the Difference Between Whole Life and Term Life Insurance?

As MSN Money reports, choosing the wrong life insurance policies can have disastrous consequences for your personal finances. Dealing with death is never easy, and funeral and burial costs for a loved one can throw a metaphorical wrench into a family’s plans when it comes to plundering savings and spending accounts. Still, Canadians purchased almost


Are You Sure Your Home Is Adequately Covered?

It’s wrong not to have any insurance, but it’s important to get the proper amount of coverage from home insurance brokers. Did you know that an estimated 14% of all auto accidents in the U.S. are caused by someone without car insurance? Not only that, but Mississippi has the highest amount of uninsured drivers with

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