What type of medical coverage do you have? Have you applied for Medicare yet? It’s important to take care of your health by visiting a doctor regularly. Regular doctor visits are also essential for preventative measures.
Underlying and Chronic Conditions
Were you aware that one-in-three adults aren’t aware they have pre-diabetes? Furthermore, for people 65 and older, 84% die from different types of heart disease.
A 2014 report from The Commonwealth Fund indicated that the United States has a prevalence of chronic health conditions. According to this report, this country experiences the highest rates of chronic health conditions.
While some older individuals have at least one chronic illness or condition, others more. Reports indicated that 87% have at least one, and 68% have two or more.
Early Detection and Prevention
Many health issues, such as breast cancer, can be detected with early screening. According to The State of Aging and Health in America’s 2013 report, breast-cancer-related deaths have been reduced with regular mammography screening. It is recommended that women between the ages of 65-and-74 be screened every two years as a preventative measure.
Other preventative measures include vaccinations. The State of Aging and Health in America’s 2013 report indicated that pneumonia and flu were the seventh-leading cause of death for individuals 65 and older.
The 2015 report from The Commonwealth Fund indicates that in 2013, approximately 37 million Medicare recipients received free preventative services. These included flu shots and screenings for cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
Insurance Coverage Overview
The Commonwealth Fund’s 2015 report stated that 39.7 million people were covered by Medicare in 2013, however. In 2015, 55.7 million people were enrolled in this system. Predictions indicate that by 2030, 81 million people will be enrolled.
In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 35.7 million people in the United States didn’t have any coverage.
In 2015, according to The Commonwealth Fund, the uninsured rate for adults between 19-to-62 was 13%. This was down from 2013 figures, which indicated that the uninsured rate for that age group was 20%.
Insurance coverage for Americans over 65 has improved since 1962. At that time, over 50% didn’t have coverage. A 2015 report from The Commonwealth Fund indicated that just 2% of individuals in this age bracket didn’t have coverage.
Prior to retirement, many employees may still have coverage from their place of employment. A January 2015 Gallup poll found that two-in-five people under 65 years old are covered through their employer.
Uncovered Medical Expenses
Even when they have insurance coverage, many Americans still need to pay out-of-pocket for some of their medical expenses, According to a 2014 report from The Commonwealth Fund, 21% had to pay $2,000 or more in 2013.
In terms of uncovered prescriptions, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ 2015 report indicated that in 2016, once an individual pays $4,850 for uncovered prescriptions, then “catastrophic coverage” is automatic.
Medicare enrollees will still need to pay a percentage for brand name as well as generic drugs in 2016. This will be 45% of the total cost for brand name drugs, and 58% of the total cost for generic drugs.
The Commonwealth Fund’s 2015 report indicated that there are 10,000 individuals aged 65+ that have enrolled in Medicare. In 2013, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that six-in-ten individuals stated that the Medicare system was working well. In addition, eight-in-ten seniors indicated this as well.
Medicare Enrollment
Every year, from October 15 to December 7, Medicare has an open enrollment period. Once approved, Medicare coverage will begin on January 1.
When automatically enrolled, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ 2015 announcement states that a Medicare card will arrive three months prior to their 65th birthday or the 25th month of disability.
If you live in Tennessee, then you want to contact the TN Medicare office to find out more information. When you contact the TN Medicare office, they will inform you of the level of coverage you may receive.
The TN Medicare office may also provide you with information about where to purchase Medicare supplemental insurance or other types of supplemental medical insurance to assist you with managing health care expenses.
After you complete the process of enrolling through the TN Medicare office, you will be able to visit the doctor regularly in ensure that you take care of your health.