Did you know that the American automobile insurance industry is responsible for generating approximately $178 billion in revenue, and employs nearly 250,000 U.S. workers, according to IBIS research? One reason that the auto insurance industry is such a strong economic driver is that in every state of the union, it is illegal to drive without auto insurance. Since most Americans rely on a car as their primary mode of transportation, full coverage car insurance is a must.
A number of different factors go into the cost of car insurance, which can vary a great deal from person to person. For one thing, car insurance premiums tend to decrease as people get older, because research bears out that younger drivers as a whole are more likely to be reckless and get into accidents. Luckily, after the age of 25, it is much easier for most individuals to find cheap auto insurance.
When thinking about insurance products, most people are concerned with the best way to find cheap auto insurance. However, a good insurance agent will tell you that choosing car insurance should not be your only concern when it comes to purchasing insurance products. Though of course, it is important to find cheap auto insurance, most Americans are greatly in need of life insurance advice, because the majority of people in the United States are under-insured in that arena. In fact, the LIMRA Household Trends in U.S. Life Insurance Ownership 2010 study concluded that 70 percent of Americans failed a recent 10-question basic life insurance IQ test. Americans may know a lot about how to find cheap auto insurance, but they are woefully ignorant when it comes to life insurance.
The good news is that a licensed insurance agent can help anyone discover the right insurance products to meet his needs. A good insurance agent will offer insight into how to find cheap auto insurance and inexpensive life insurance, often bundled together at a discount provided by one company. Working with an insurance agent is the best way to make sure you are properly insured in multiple areas. When you come out of a meeting with your insurance agent, you should have a greater knowledge base related to how to find cheap auto insurance and how to get the best life insurance to meet your needs.